My #1 goal in producing porn is to show a realistic representation of human sexuality based on mutual respect, including boundaries. When the chemistry's right, things tend to take on a life of their own - this compilation highlights a few of those moments.
Well suffice it to say that you're one of my heroes man. It's easy to imagine the seedy world of porn where women get abused, treated like commodities... But watching these something tells me you are able to bring out these kinds of performances by making them feel comfortable and treating them well so they can be relaxed and comfortable enough to perform on this level. Seeing a regular-looking middle aged guy who can reach a beautiful girl like that is, well, inspiring, I guess. Really enjoy your work, I guess is what I'm saying. Congrats and thanks again.
Trust me, I've never been a "saint" but thanks for the complement, although it should probably go to these amazing women. All three have been friends and lovers for years and I'm glad it shows.
Be sure to check out their scenes on all three of my sites. It's through the support of our members that we are able to share our work and we love receiving such positive feedback.
OdpovědětPůvodní komentář
Alle mädels sind der hammer, aber die letzte ist der oberhammer
What can any of us say. I guess that makes you the king. You better have been a fucking SAINT in your past life, dude. Also this is the hottest video without a cumshot I have ever seen. These girls are hot as FUCK.
but if this is real, good job
Be sure to check out their scenes on all three of my sites. It's through the support of our members that we are able to share our work and we love receiving such positive feedback.
You better have been a fucking SAINT in your past life, dude.
Also this is the hottest video without a cumshot I have ever seen. These girls are hot as FUCK.